Our Blog
The Importance of Natural Fabrics for Baby Skin
Choosing the right clothes for your newborn is crucial, especially if they have sensitive skin or conditions like eczema. Natural fabrics offer significant advantages in keeping your baby comfortable and...
The Importance of Natural Fabrics for Baby Skin
Choosing the right clothes for your newborn is crucial, especially if they have sensitive skin or conditions like eczema. Natural fabrics offer significant advantages in keeping your baby comfortable and...
Top 5 Eczema Myths Busted
In this blog we bust some of the most common eczema myths. Unfortunately, many misconceptions surround eczema, leading to frustration and potentially hindering proper treatment.
Top 5 Eczema Myths Busted
In this blog we bust some of the most common eczema myths. Unfortunately, many misconceptions surround eczema, leading to frustration and potentially hindering proper treatment.
The Gut-Skin Connection: How Gut Health Impacts...
Emerging research suggests that people with eczema may have an altered gut microbiome compared to those without. This imbalance, often called "dysbiosis," can contribute to inflammation throughout the body, including...
The Gut-Skin Connection: How Gut Health Impacts...
Emerging research suggests that people with eczema may have an altered gut microbiome compared to those without. This imbalance, often called "dysbiosis," can contribute to inflammation throughout the body, including...
How To Keep Your Little One's Skin Happy This H...
The holiday season is a magical time, but it can also be a tricky one for kids with eczema. With all the festive decorations, yummy treats, and festive clothes, it's...
How To Keep Your Little One's Skin Happy This H...
The holiday season is a magical time, but it can also be a tricky one for kids with eczema. With all the festive decorations, yummy treats, and festive clothes, it's...
Let customers speak for us
from 27 reviewsSoothla tweedelig pakje hebben we gekocht voor onze kleinzoon.
Wat een fijn materiaal, wij zijn er heel blij mee!

It is soft and comfy and my toddler slept well in it. I really like that the hands has cuffs to cover so she can’t scratch herself.
PS: received a wrong order for the other color though.

Initially, I wanted to order a different color, but unfortunately, it was sold out. In the end, I chose the grey variant, and I must say: it looks even better in real life than I expected! The color is stylish and goes with everything.
I do notice that he still scratches under his pajamas in the evening. It would be great if larger-sized bodysuits were available for children aged 2 to 4, so he can’t scratch his stomach and back. Additionally, he has eczema on his neck. Perhaps a bodysuit with a high collar would be a good solution to protect that area and prevent him from scratching it. That would be perfect!

Wat een prachtig merk is dit, krab- en jeuk vrij voor de gevoelige huid van mijn kindje en je kan zelfs de mouwen omslaan voor de nacht waardoor (krab)-sokjes overbodig worden! De kleuren zijn mooi, het materiaal is fijn en de kleding staat nog leuk ook :)
Ik ben fan!

The clothing is well made and has held up through a few washes now. It definitely helps keep the eczema and itching to a somewhat manageable state. our baby has moderate/severe eczema. I think if your little one has mild eczema this would definitely clear it all. I just wish the sets weren't so expensive then we could purchase more since he wears them all day every day. With 3 sets we have to wash them so often. Definitely need more color options as well!

Up until recently, organic cotton pajamas had been enough to keep our 18 month old with eczema sleeping through the night without much itching… but, recently he started itching so bad at night that he was waking up crying. I bought one pair of these pajamas and he’s back to sleeping 12 hours through the night with minimal itching and sleeping 2.5-3hr at nap time again too. He’s been yawning much less when he’s awake, which I’m assuming is because he’s probably getting better quality sleep from less itching. When these are being washed and he’s back in cotton pjs, he itches a lot more. This material really does seem to help and I’m so thankful for it! His skin looks much better when he wears them. He is 27 pounds and we bought the 1-2yr artic.

Let me start off with it is very hard to find zinc infused clothing for babies. These are a lifesaver for my granddaughter who suffers from sever eczema since birth. I will continue to order these for her all the way across the water from Sweden. The US only has one company that compares and they are often out of stock and no choices in color. With this clothing everyday she does not flair up and no need for prescription creams ever. Thank you so much! I do wish they cost a little less because they are expensive.

My little girl has sensitive dry skin and eczema. Part of her suspected triggers are environmental. I’ve noticed when she has this set on, she’s less likely to flare up and her skin stays soft and less dry. The material is very soft and doesn’t chafe her sensitive skin. I have 2 sets and just bought another 2 to make sure we never run out!

Heel fijn pakje van een heerlijk zachte stof. Veel andere krabpakjes / eczeemkleding geprobeerd maar deze pakjes zijn echt van veel betere kwaliteit en zien er ook nog eens mooi uit!

So happy to have found your products. Just ordered a new set for summer. Love that my son can also be protected in the sun as well as comfortable and soothed by the fabric to his skin.
Wat een heerlijke, zachte kleding! Mijn zoontje draagt het graag en stopt hierdoor met het hele heftige krabbelen. Inmiddels twee bestellingen geplaatst en zeer tevreden over de persoonlijke en snelle bezorging!

Wij hebben het hele setje en I LOVE it! De kleertjes zijn zoooo zacht. M’n kleintje zweet minder als hij in de maxicosi zit en inmiddels zijn we zo goed als eczeem vrij! Als ik het financieel kon missen zou ik echt alleen maar Soothla dragen! (Ik wil het ook voor mezelf!!)

Wij gebruiken nu +/- 4 weken het 2delige setje. En dan voornamelijk alleen in de nacht. Want overdag lijkt ze er geen last van te hebben en smeren we regelmatig haar eczeemplekjes in. De nachten waren vrijwel snel weer rustig.. We merkte dat het verlicht, vooral de jeuk verminderd en de huid beschermd. Mocht ze toch gaan krabben, krabt ze de huid niet gelijk kapot. Wat ik ook fijn vind van het setje, deze is perfect met hele warme dagen, huid is gelijk beschermd tegen uv straling. Ik zag dat de kleinere kledinhmaten opvouwbare wanten hebben. Dat zou eigelijk bij de grotere maten ook een optie moeten zijn ;)

Wij hadden het pakje met de romper en het gewone pakje voor Yenoah. Hij heeft erg last van droge huid en eczeem waardoor wij dachten dat hij daar in de nacht wakker van werd. Sinds we dit aandoen tijdens het slapen merken we dat hij veel rustiger ligt. Daarentegen ziet het er ook nog eens super leuk uit

Köpte den fina bodyn till en vän som precis fått barn. En mycket uppskattad present!

Skin-friendly clothing
After much research, we have created eco-friendly kidswear that is soft and soothing for sensitive children's skin.
Our soft lyocell fabric is infused with Zinc oxide, a combination that is clinically proven to alleviate skin irritations.

Allergy-friendly bedding
Our bedding is skin-friendly, hypoallergenic, and is made of a soft, breathing fabric.
The bedsheets and pillowcases are designed to improve sleep quality and are allergy-friendly, antibacterial, and dust mite proof.
The bedsheets feature a waterproof barrier that protects the mattress and makes a molton sheet unnecesary.